Formáty internetové reklamy
Anglické definice formátů internetové reklamy, jak je používá IAB Europe:
1. Internet display advertising (display reklama): Banners, buttons, skyscrapers, overlays, interstitials, pop ups displayed on a website, video (pre, mid and post rolls)
2. Affiliate marketing: Fees paid to third party (affiliate) for traffic generation (e.g. pay-per-visit).
3. Online classifieds (řádková inzerce): A fee is paid by an advertiser to display an ad or listing around a specific vertical such as automotive, recruiting and real estate, regardless of the outcome of the ad (ie, the fee is paid even if there is no ‘sale’)
4. Directories (adresáře, katalogy): Online version of printed yellow pages (business listing paid for by advertiser)
5. Paid search advertising (reklama ve vyhledávačích): Advertising appearing on specific word requests on search engines
6. Search Engine Optimisation (optimalizace pro vyhledávače): Fees paid to a 3rd party to improve website ranking in search engines
7. E-mail marketing: Where the body of the email is determined by the advertiser and is sent on their behalf by an email list manager/owner
8. Newsletter advertising (reklama v cizích newsletterech): Advertising (text or banner) that appears around the unrelated editorial content of email newsletters
9. Mobile display advertising (mobilní display reklama): Any display advertising viewed or read on a mobile phone including rich media advertising
10. Mobile search advertising (reklama v mobilním vyhledávání): Advertising appearing on specific word requests on search engines, viewed on a mobile device
11. Sponsorships (sponzoring): Advertiser sponsorships of content areas
12. In-Stream video advertising (reklama ve videu): advertising spots (pre-rolls, mid-rolls and post-rolls) appearing before, during or after a video content in the player or an overlay ad.