This year's elections to the Chamber of Deputies, which brought very surprising results, strongly influenced the website traffic in the News category. Altogether, almost 6.4 million Czech users visited news sites in October (more than 5.5 million from mobile phones, about 5 million from traditional PCs and almost 1 million from tablets).
The elections, which took place on October 8 and 9, 2021, had the greatest impact on traffic to news sites from mobile phones. While on October 8, the number of News Mobile News visitors reached about 2 million users; on Saturday, when users were eagerly awaiting the election results and the situation was changing dynamically, their number climbed to 2.67 million RU, reaching its October maximum.
Above-average interest in news sites remained on Sunday, October 10 (more than 2.5 million RU). On this day, users may have been interested in the first more detailed analyzes of election results. The high number of visitors was also affected by the collapse of the president and his subsequent transfer to the hospital. The highest traffic of all devices reached the news sites on October 9 (almost 3.36 million users).
Another important October event was the collapse of Bohemia Energy, which significantly affected the number of visitors to economic websites. On Monday, October 13, when the media began to report on the problems of this company and its customers, the number of users in the Economy, Finance, Law category reached a monthly maximum of 1.5 million users from all facilities. Month-on-month, the number of visitors in this category increased the most on tablets (17%).
Tab. 1. Results of measuring Internet traffic on individual devices September and October 2021.